Spelunky 2 – An Escape to the Moon

 If you want to reminisce about your old days of 2D gaming or if you are a beginner and would like to start your gaming with a light roguelike game, then Spelunky 2 will be perfect for you. If you are well aware of the previous version, then this new part will come as a surprise to you. This time you will have to join Ana and her friends to unravel the secrets of the vastness of the moon and the deadly caverns beneath it. Ana is the courageous daughter of the explorer of the previous game. 


As you will travel through the dense forests, underground tunnels, and lava-filled hollows, you will encounter more obstacles in your way in the form of bats, cave dwellers, ghosts, and indestructible lizards. It would be best to stay alert to escape the labyrinth of traps that seeks to crush and mutilate you at every step. Your main focus must be on escaping alive with the maximum of your rewards. 

The main focus of the game and your top most priority should be the following:

  • Be vigilant all the time as the levels keep changing their themes every time you die. 
  • Use weapons like bombs and explosives to destroy your enemies and create your way to find the exit.
  • Find the rideable mounts to escape the dangerous traps and speed through every level. 
  • You can bring up to three companions to collaborate with you in running the level or companions who can sacrifice themselves for each other.

The game starts with you assuming the role of Ana. Ana has journeyed to the moon in her parents’ search, who went missing while searching through the moon’s caverns. The opening of Spelunky 2 might seem like the first part. There will be some bombs and a whip with you and a rope to climb the ceilings of inaccessible heights. There might also be resemblance in some creatures with the previous version, such as snakes, bats, spiders, etc. You will be surprised to see the similarity of the background with the underground cavern. 

As the game progresses, it will bring new surprise elements. You will come across the robots that turn into bombs if you push a button on their heads. You will also encounter some ladybugs that spray fire from their massive wings and cavemen who throw boomerangs. The exciting feature of the game is that each time you die and come back, there will be new obstacles and themes in the game. Lack of repetition makes the game all the more intriguing. After crossing the first biome, you will get the choice between the jungle and robot volcano. Each of them has a different set of rules and environments.

You will notice certain changes in the controls like running is set by default. But it would help if you held the button to slow down your speed. All other controls are terrific such as jumping on the tiny part of the land, leap above the pits and pools of lava. All these moves will take time to get used to, but the platforming will be close to perfection once you are pro in executing these moves.

Some points of the game might disappoint you, such as you cannot jump high or your whip brings you closer to the enemies. Many unpredictable traps punish falls, which means the longer you are in the air, the higher your death chances. Since the danger is lurking at every step, you need to take calculated steps. If possible, take some time to analyze the situation before taking the next step.  There is a small tutorial in Spelunky 2 to make you understand the jumping, swinging, climbing, or bomb-throwing. It would be better to understand these basics before beginning your adventure. Spelunky 2 does a commendable job in giving us all the information you might need in the game.

Even if you are a pro player in the previous part, this new game is full of new biomes that bring new challenges and keep the adventurous spirit alive. At the beginning of the game, you would not know where to stand and which of the enemies will attack. But with time, you will master all these points, and after that, it will be satisfying to ace the challenge. For the side quests, you can help the NPCs by digging shortcut tunnels for the next stages. That will allow you to leapfrog earlier from the game.

Some other mind-blowing additions to the game are mounts. These creatures take the double jump and move quickly. Some can even attack that makes you run fast. But there is a reward that increases your health for killing them. For example, there is Rock Dog, a pink color goat that breathes fire, but you can take it or purchase from the store. Their positive points are that they can tank any damage for you, thereby giving you a second chance. Overall, the challenges are enticing enough to bring you back to the game again and again.

There is no doubt that the first part of the Spelunky was fantastic, but Spelunky 2 has definitely an improved version. All the controls, procedural generation of levels, and exciting themes are better than the before. Since it is a long game, it will take time to discover the game’s hidden secrets and dark paths. Although the game is all about enjoying the moment, as much as you might be excited to reach the end, the game’s highlight is winning each level.

Interesting Points

  • Outstanding controls and platforming give you full control of the game.
  • Applying tactical moves is rewarding.
  • Winning each biome brings a sense of achievement.
  • A significantly well-improved version of its previous part.
  • Lack of repetition saves the game from becoming monotonous.

Boring Points                                                    

  • Unpredictable traps might kill you, and you have to start again.
  • Details of the environment are challenging to figure out.
  • Lack of a proper storyline makes it challenging to understand the concept of the game.

Alessia Martine is a self-professed security expert; she has been making the people aware of the security threats. Her passion is to write about Cybersecurity, cryptography, malware, social engineering, internet, and new media. She writes for Microsoft products at office.com/setup.

Source: https://worlds-directory.com/spelunky-2-an-escape-to-the-moon/


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